Dungeons & Dragons Guide for Newbie!

New at D&D?

Let's make a closer look at this legendary fantasy role-playing game and find out why millions of players worldwide have stepped into the boots of mighty heroes (and sneaky antiheroes) to create their own stories.

You're going to need a character! You can choose a pre-made one, which comes with lots of help and a background and everything, or follow the getting started bit in the "basic rules" section to put your own together.

This is a nice page to start on if you like, Fifth Edition character sheets on the official site :)

Basic Rules

Easy build-a-character guide that I picked out myself just for you getting started
Full of Player's handbook pdf
Player's handbook for Adventurer's League-style D&D pdf
The full basic rules! Converted to A4! It is official, too. pdf
A blank character sheet for Adventurer's League pdf

Races :

Make a Wise Choice!

Your choice of character race provides you with a basic set of advantages and special abilities. If you’re a fighter, are you a stubborn dwarf monster-slayer, a graceful elf blademaster, or a fierce dragonborn gladiator? If you’re a wizard, are you a brave human spell-for-hire or a devious tiefling conjurer? Your character race not only affects your ability scores and powers but also provides the first cues for building your character’s story.

Choose a Race.

Classes :

Creating a Character!

Before you start, you might find it helpful to think about the basic kind of character you want to play. You might be a courageous knight, a skulking rogue, a fervent cleric, or a flamboyant wizard. Or you might be more interested in an unconventional character, such as a brawny rogue who likes to mix it up in hand-to‐hand combat, or a sharpshooter who picks off enemies from afar.

Choose your Path.

Pre-made Characters

A human noble! sheet
A dwarf soldier cleric! sheet
A halfling criminal! sheet
A high elf wizard! sheet
A human folk hero! sheet
A little pack of 16 simple characters here
Lost for ideas? "Who the fuck is my D&D character!?" Let's Make It! generator
Dungeon's and Dragons Character Sheets and pre-mades! It's just the same as the nice link above. here

Locations :

~ The Forgotten Realms ~

Dungeons & Dragons offers incredible worlds to explore. Some, like the legendary Forgotten Realms, are rich with storied history. All need heroes looking for adventure.

Explore the Realms!

Official Links

Dungeons and Dragons dnd.wizards.com
Adventurer's League homepage official site

Flavor material

Sweet wallpapers here
Build your character as a model! It's a little bit expensive. HeroForge
Perhaps you need more potions? (The DMG lists potions, which are a type of magic item, with the other magic items; the potions are described on pages 187-188. The Systems Reference Document also describes potions, on pages 237-238.) Let's make it at Real!
Some Stuff and Miniatures of our Site. Take a look and Loot it! ;)


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Facebook Group Local : Dungeons & Dragons - Volos (Βόλος)
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Site : Community

Sources : 

Leon Dercynski 
Wizard of the Coast

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